My Family

turma105 clac
1 min readJul 4, 2021


My family is composed of me, wife and son, who live in the same house, in addition to my parents, sister, brother-in-law and niece, who live in a distant city, and my in-laws, brothers-in-law, wives and children, who live near us.

We maintain a very close affectionate relationship, always trying to help each other in whatever it takes, and we maintain daily communication through electronic devices. We try to get together for a big lunch on the commemorative dates of the national calendar, and on birthdays.

My parents visit us often to kill the longing, and we do the same on vacation, the end of the year and Carnival. Our greatest happiness is being in communion with ours and being able to support them in every moment of life.


#my family my life

Developed by Diogo Wagner, Public Health Servant, resident of São João de Meriti, Rio de Janeiro.

